Cannabis Insights



Cannabinoid Tension Tamers Understanding Hypertension and Its Impact A silent and sneaky killer impacting millions globally, often goes unnoticed until it’s too late. Nearly half of people with hypertension are...

DIABETES AND CANNABIS RESEARCH It begins with that original 2005 research paper that we highlighted from the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC), which purported that cannabis can have the...

Managing Bipolar Disorder Symptoms Although patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder feel lethargic and irritable much of the time, it is possible to harness the unwanted symptoms and live a happy...

Coping with Spinal Cord Injury: Management and Medical Marijuana An abrupt, tragic accident often results in spinal cord injury (SCI) leaving the casualty in shock, terror and severe pain. Auto...

What is THC-A and What are the Benefits? Understanding THC-A and Its Benefits All of the phytocannabinoids found in the cannabis plant are produced by the plant in acidic form;...

Cannabis for Childhood Cancer (CCC) Statistics and Impact Cancer is the #1 cause of death by disease for American children.  Globally, more than 300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer annually...

Movement Disorders: Understanding the Scope The term could conjure up some humorous thoughts, especially for medical marijuana patients who feel like they’ve been planted when they experience couch-lock.  However, the...

Introduction to Medicinal Cannabis Gummies Just the idea of having a piece of candy that offers health benefits is enough for many consumers to stock up. Gummies are available as...

Could Cannabinoids Cure Chronic Anxiety?

Could Cannabinoids Cure Chronic Anxiety?

Often sparked by childhood trauma or experiences during adolescence, statistics show that anxiety disorders generally surface more in the female

Is Cannabis a Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury?

Is Cannabis a Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury?

From auto crashes to sports injuries, traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s) occur roughly 2.5 million times each year and those who

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Origin of the 420 Louis Meetings If the “420 Louis” meetings had taken place in Area 51, the trend may have gone galactic, but the...

Origin of the 420 Louis Meetings If the “420 Louis” meetings had taken place in Area 51, the trend may have gone galactic, but the catch-phrase and story actually began...

Suppose you’re one of the millions of Americans who are undergoing treatment for conditions associated with an imbalance in blood pressure. In that case, you may want to take the...

The Doctor's Corner

I want to share with all of you my recent experience having urgent neurosurgery two weeks ago, and the impact medical cannabis has had on my recovery so far. I...

The weekend after 4/20 I attended the National Cannabis Festival in Washington DC and spent most of my time in the Veterans Wellness Lounge. I interacted with vets of all...

I cannot count the number of times that I have spoken to patients about medical cannabis for weight loss who have raised the following objection: “I can’t use medical cannabis....

We have learned a lot about the positive effects of cannabis in the human body over the past decade – or more accurately, we have relearned a lot – as...

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that 2022 brings you every joy, every happiness, every satisfaction you desire. I hope that we all feel a lifting of the stresses, concerns,...

Cannabis use during pregnancy is a loaded topic, with many intense opinions offered. Let’s explore some of the known facts. Low levels of serum endocannabinoids correlate with successful pregnancies, but...

100 Best Cannabis Strains

 Check out what’s smoking on the Be Pain Free strain list. Curated by our editor and other weed pros, the eight-genre collection features the best strains of all time.

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